Dealing with personal hygiene differences?

This for me is really on a case by case basis. I think a lot of it my chemistry with the man. I’ve found that most men want to kiss in the morning before brushing their teeth and don’t shower every day. My current boyfriend doesn’t shower every day. I’m ok with it but at times I’ll tell him to get his butt in the shower. Not because he smells but because I know it’s like day 3 and it’s time. He has bad breath sometimes but it somehow doesn’t even bother me whereas my ex husband’s would. I wouldn’t want to kiss him. I kiss my boyfriend all day long regardless. All I can say is it must be a pheromone thing. On some subconscious level I must be really attracted to his smells. My ex boyfriend almost never brushed his teeth and that started grossing me out. Like minimal effort shit is not ok. But I can honestly say I’ve never found any of my exes stinky regardless of their showering frequency. I did date one guy whose breath absolutely blasted me away and I was unable to sleep with him ever again it was that bad. My boyfriends is just like subtle thing and doesn’t bother me enough to make me not want to kiss him all the time. Myself, i do skip showers but I’m not a guy - guys can shower in 2 minutes. Women have to shave all their parts, condition their hair, etc. maybe you just aren’t attracted to her?

/r/datingoverforty Thread