This dickweed at my apartment building

Man I had something similar, but not as bad. Guy lives in a trailer behind my subdivision in the country. His (and mine at the time) dogs were off leash, but his pitbull was always at my house. Eating the food, destroying crap.. A shit zu too. They kept fighting with my dog, but it was little scuffles, no real blood and I'd break it up. One day it got hold of mine's ear and was ripping at him. His ear was torn and hugely swollen with blood. Had to get it drained and him medicated. I separated them, calmly brought the guys dogs back, was real good about it all, just told him what happened and that we need to figure something out as this isn't working anymore (him always letting his dogs be at my house more than his).

A few weeks later the pound picked up his dogs, unrelated to me. Him and his trailer queen were certain 'it was my fault' that I did it. They came cussing at me and threatening to kill my dog if they ever see him and blah blah. Their dogs were back and already attacked mine again at my house before the woman walked over. When she picked hers up right in front of mine he barked aggressive (he is a very non-aggressive dog, but loud small black mutt) and she kicked him in his face. Last straw. I finally had enough, I'd done everything I could to avoid a neighbor from hell incident. I was even nice when his dogs sent mine to the vet (attacking mine at my house) since mine was off leash too.. That was the last straw and I became very enraged and serious in all interaction at that point.

So they bought a huge Rottweiler. The thing was dead in a week, got run over since they still didn't do anything to control them. I wasn't very sad for the dog since it was at my place being very aggressive with my dogs and I too. After the first day the ~80 lb Rottweiler got aggressive with me I had to start carrying my gun on dog walks, so I had no love lost with his car wreck.

IDK, dealing with assholes like this is infuriating. Luckily this guy seems to have been keeping his dogs at his house now. He got his pittbull back from the pound and got a larger more vicious looking one. Screw him though, from now on I really am taking a more aggressive stance on this BS. I don't care to involve pounds or LEO calls, but I'll handle him or his dogs if they are here threatening me, just without any threats. It's bullshit to be terrorized in or at your own residence by people like this.

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