Does it ever get easier to control the appetite? (Warning, kind of negative)

I was a binge eater and a secret eater, I put on 40 kilos over a few years. I decided to go on OMAD after failing many diets, the first 3 days it's like I died. I couldnt stop thinking about food, twisting in pain because of the hunger pangs and even crying out of sheer frustration. I remember laying in bed feeling like it was the end of the world.

I persisted and by the 4th day it was more manageable, but the 5th date I realized I had stopped to think about food obsessively, and after 2 weeks I had lost 9 kilos and was eating only one a day, at 12 o'clock sharp every day, 1 meal, healthy and homemade.

I also cut off every single treat and bit of junk food. I had to detox my body of sugar. I have no self control so eating 1 biscuits translates to eating an entire package which means the day after I'm craving carbs and I cant stop, I eat and I eat until I make myself sick.

It's wonderful some people can eat a treat a d stoo, but I'm the kind of person who had to accept I simply cant have treats because they trigger a binge reaction in me.

As of now, I don't think about food throughout the day and sick to OMAD. If it's the odd day where for whatever reason I'm a bit peckish, I drink sparkling water with lemon or have a couple of walnuts.

I'm free of binges and free of obsessive thoughts about food that were dominating my life. I went from organizing outings to different supermarkets everytime (small town, everybody talks and has an opinion) and buying a ton of treats, where I'd down 7 or 8 thousand calories in one sitting, and I'd already be making a list of the treats I'd buy next, to planning healthy meals and not having thoughts about food.

When people ask me what I've done to lose weight I simply say eat less and do more exercise, because I don't care to explain to others I'm doing OMAD and being lectured on why they think it's wrong

/r/fasting Thread