Don Lemon Asks Donald Trump: Which Caravan Did Thousand Oaks Shooter Belong To?

Except this "door" modestly could cost 50 billion dollars, and (spoiler alert) Mexico is not going to pay for it. Especially since we recently renegotiated our trade agreement and they somehow forgot to include that pesky wall.

I'm not overly concerned about who pays for it.

Not that it would somehow immediately reverse or stop the economic impact to the nation, but the cost of the wall would be roughly what illegal immigrants cost us as a country per year now.

Add to that the fact that, much like guns that "make their way" into the wrong hands, a wall would only heighten the market for traffickers and cartels. Not saying that overall immigration would not decrease, but the proportion of individuals that do make it through having worked with gangs/cartels/etc would be higher because it would take more organization.

I don't think this is much of an argument at all.

Let's just use easy numbers to flesh it out. Let's pretend 100 illegal immigrants come through today. And 20 of them are gang related or whatever.

Now let's say post wall only 50 come through, but now 15 are related to gangs. It's a higher percentage, yes, but it's a lower actual number which is the whole idea.

The only way this argument would be compelling would be if you make an assumption that a physical barrier would somehow increase the amount of successful illegal border crossings, which I am unable to see a logic in.

If the overall goal is just "less brown people" than yes, the wall would be a 50 billion dollar "success".

Do not attribute racism when there is no evidence of it. That makes you an asshole in what is a legitimate political discussion. If we had an issue with Canadian immigration I'd be in favor of keeping those Wildlings out.

Pivot, why the fuck not use more modern means? A wall??? Are you fucking kidding me, literally the same technology that China (Gyna) used millenia ago. We have night vision, heat vision, machine learning, drones, etc... And we're talking about a wall.

I mean, this is pretty obvious.

A physical barrier is a barrier whether someone is watching it or not.

We have night vision, heat vision, machine learning, drones, etc

All of those things require human eyes watching it literally at all times. Obviously a wall requires patrolling, but none of those things you suggested (which I understand is not all encompassing of the options) are reactive options, not proactive options.

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