Donald Trump has repeatedly violated his oath of office: Reason enough for impeachment – No one in living memory has done less to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution" than Donald Trump

No not just the United States. The world. Sorry to break it to you but nothing has gotten better in 1000 years and Trump is the perfect capstone to this nightmare we have been living.

I think honestly most people don’t care anymore. They just wake up for the entertainment value he provides. Most people are under the impression their opinion really doesn’t matter. And that theirs can’t make a difference. So yeah we’re having fun trolling (Trump supporters) lazy, unmotivated, uninspired people who will do nothing about their life but argue about it on reddit or what have you.

I’m sorry to break it to you but it’s not the political ness that’s the crappy part. It’s the whole world that’s crappy. And people just don’t fucking care anymore. Trump makes me laugh at dinner when I’m sitting down with my family. Trying to preserve what’s left of MY life before it’s taken from me so suddenly.

I expect everyone else to do the same. Remember this is not your standard of living. It’s your standard of suffering. Don’t let this affect you. They want it to cause civil discord. Ideological subversion. Don’t think that your opinion doesn’t matter, it does. But it won’t change anything. Sorry.

We need to prepare for the worst. Godspeed my friend.

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