Why dont feminists get rid of the extremists in their movement so people only see true feminists who want gender equality?

why havent any of you thought of this great solution i have.

Key word thought , i asked why you "didnt" do it, not why you didnt "think" of it. And its a perfectly logical thing to think.

Its like asking an engineer that designed a mall but and had the peices in individual sections for building that they would transport as and the manager who has no idea about engineering asks "why couldnt we transport it in (more effiencient transport sections) wouldnt it be easier for transport (lists a bunch of reasons how it would make it easier and costly)?" Engineer "if you cut it up that way it would change the force going through everything that holds it together when we put it together and would cause the mall to collapse with the people inside after it got used for a little bit, it would be like sitting in a chair and making one of the legs support your whole weight instead of it being evenly split between the 4, the chair would collapse. If you think i havent thought about that you have lack off confidence in my ability as an engineer." Manager "... No , i just didnt know why we we couldnt transport it (managers thought of way ) . I didnt know that could happen thats why i asked. I didnt think, "your stupid and didnt know what you were doing , i can do better. " . Its would be a general question to ask. If you say so i agree with you "

Is that manager questioning the engineers ability?

It would help so much, and specifically say that those women pushing unfair , ridiculous issues, arent feminists.

What does that have to do with it? Its true and thats what it looks like from the outside. Thats why its said that way. I was not talking about true feminists , only the extremists. And yes it would help alot if most people knew that theres no denying that. Those extemists give feminists a bad image because they associate feminism with them. If you turned the image towards true feminists it would help the most in getting support in the sense of people supporting your beliefs. Thats why it was emphasized.

im just curious , why this isn't done."

Is why i asked this, its like the manage to engineer convo , the manager saw something that could help costs and effiency and asked why he couldnt do it differently to get those benefits, the engineer explained it , the manager got it. The manager didnt think "this engineer is stupid he didnt think of this."

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