Edward Snowden Explains How The Government Can Get Your 'D**k Pic' During Interview With John Oliver

Right...which is why they are a PROFESSIONAL INTELLIGENCE SERVICE.

Care to share which other plots they've been able to stop? Boston bombing? No? Going to keep humping that leg huh?

At least Oliver got Snowden to admit that he fucked up when he let loose that we were monitoring ISIS in Mosul...it worked BTW, we were able to take it back over.

He didn't get him to admit to anything? The new york times didn't censor the redacted information properly. Like snowden said, he knew the information was sensitive and he didn't want to be the one who released the information because he didn't know what should be and what shouldn't be available to the public. Blame the Times if you're upset about that.

Except it isn't. He mentions that no content is taken from Americans...but quickly tries to claim that because some are collected while bankers vacation in the Caymans, therefore every one is watched all the time.

...what? He's saying that metadata of american's is always gathered, he's saying that data-in-transit is fair game, he's saying that companies in America, under prism, are collaborating with government agencies to give them our data, he's saying that any data that moves across US borders is automatically intercepted, analyzed, and stored.

You do realize that Google, among others, stores data outside of US borders, right?

So yes, as much as you'd like to believe it's not true, your data is very easily accessible and is definitely being monitored. You don't think they built the biggest datacenter in the world for shiggles do you?

Snowden is crying wolf, as the real shepherds are literally fighting real wolves to the death.

Lol. "literally" fight real wolves to the death. right.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - huffingtonpost.com