Have you ever felt just numb? Like the things that used to make you happy don't make you happy anymore and you keep trying to understand why?

Hey man, late to the party, so you can see by the replies of the others that many people know this.

But I wouldn't say that it's necessarily depression. Here's my story:

I made music since I was 8, really got into it with about 13 and was actually on a path to fame when I was about 18. I loved the time, I had a few bands, made music everyday, shat on schoolwork, the only thing I wanted to do was music. And we became pretty good, well known in our area and even made it into a big radio station. I thought about doing this for the rest of my life.

Then one day, the flame just went out. From 100 to 0, I just didn't feel like it anymore. I was really good at my craft and I kept on practicing for the bands, but I wouldn't pick the guitar up just like that anymore. Not that I burned out, it was no stress ever, but the love was just fading away.

Then a few things changed. Bandmembers moved to different cities for college, one threw me out because of dumb resons, one broke up because of drug abuse and so on. So I haven't had any more reson to make music. And I completely stopped. I did something else. The years have passed. I sometimes noodled around a little, to see if I'm still able to play.

And one day I met this girl and I fell in love with her. Back was the flame, fresh like a breeze in spring. Then I realized it. Making music was my expression of love. I started making music when I had my first crush with 13, kept on, got better, met other girls. Then with about 19, I had a Single time. No more music.

Today I'm making music every day again. Not on a level like earlier, but just for fun, just for myself. I don't have any intention of getting famous anymore, but let's see where the path leads.

/r/AskMen Thread