The fact an 89-year-old man who lives alone and has to work 30 hours a week because he can't afford to live should show you the state America is in. We will have to work until the day we die.

I'm personally very into the /r/personalfinance and /r/financialindependence movements. Net worth is well into 6 figures at a relatively young / prime age.

It's not crazy to think how bad things can get if you lose your job and are in a stretch on unemployment, with obligations like a family home you don't want to lose, kids you need to take care of and healthcare costs if, like many, spiral without insurance (as we age, people develop health issues, foreseen or not, and they cost some dollars).

IMHO, you need to break the 1 million dollar barrier to never dip below poverty ever again as a single person. The calculus changes when you have a family.

I would not want to be making sub-6 figures in this country right now. You are 2 tragedies away from mediocrity, and a 3rd from bottom.

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