Fantasy Strike – PSX 2017: Gameplay Trailer | PS4


Please be good. Please be good. Please be good.

I've been wanting for a fighting game to cut out the high barrier of entry for so damn long, I really, really, really hope this game isn't trash.

I used to love fighting games back in the day. Playing against my friends was ALWAYS a blast, but then online came out and I really don't like what you have to do to be competitive at fighting games. I don't want to spend 100 hours learning how to pull off my combos with a 5% drop rate.

I want to fight the other player, not the controls.

I used to really like fighting games until online came out and I realized I really didn't like what you had to do to be competitive in them. Whoever is willing to spend more time fighting a training dummy instead of doing the fun part, playing against real people, basically has stronger attacks. Whenever one of their hits connect they're going to be doing more damage than you.

I'd much rather get good at winning against other people by actually playing against other people. Training mode is boring. Modern day fighting games want you to spend 100 hours in training mode. Whoever spends more time in training mode gets an, in my opinion, unfair advantage. You can still have every other thing that makes a fighting game fun while making accessible to control the character to do exactly what you want.

Queue people who like that stuff coming in and talking about how 900 hit combos with 1/60th of a second timing windows are the only way fighting games can be fun to play competitively.

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