I feel like I'm just waiting for him to miss me.

5.5 yr relationship, the ex has severe untreated ocd and was a recovering alcoholic/addict (sober when I met him, still sober to the best of my knowledge). It turned out we didn't have the same approach to our goals...he could barely survive and seemed to get worse, slipping in his sobriety about once every 1.5 years. We both had unemployment problems, but each found jobs / situations at different times. He and I started fighting a lot after the 3rd year, sex ended (which was actually OK, I didnt' miss it, neither did he, as he has an incredibly low sex drive and has historically).

He also had this weird relationship with one of his ex-girlfriends, where he just couldn't let go of her. I always thought he got together with me specifically to make her jealous, but I could never be sure. His ex told me, publically, over social media, that I was the luckiest woman in the world to have "gotten" my ex as a boyfriend, and that I should be grateful to have him, while then telling my ex how handsome and irresistable he was, and how she was a fool to lose him. I did my best to ignore this, but she was clearly out-of-bounds. There was a moment when his ex contacted me over social media to accuse me of trying to attract the attention of her ex-boyfriends, and she slammed me for it (she's batshit crazy). I confronted her, told her I didnt' like how she talked to me over social media, didn't like how she flirted with my then-boyfriend, and that she needed to show our relationship some respect. That unlocked pandora's box, where she unloaded all kinds of abusive crap onto me, telling me that I was just the flavor of the month, and that she'd be there for my ex once I was long gone, because she was the only woman for him. She insulted me and swore at me and just went nuts. When I told my then -boyfriend about this, he decided that he didn't believe me and that I probably instigated the fight. This was insulting in itself, but when I showed him the actual emails, he REFUSED TO READ THEM. I should have dumped him then, but stupid me didnt'. I asked him to cut contact with her, or we were through. He reluctantly did so.

His ocd got worse, his anxiety got worse, he decided he didnt' want to find a job in his field, and started doing construction on his own for people. Made enough money to pay his rent, nothing else. Meanwhile I was working a high-stress job, he'd be at home playing video games and needing me to help him check the locks. He refuses to get help for the ocd even though it takes 3-5 hours at least out of his day. After 4 years, I lost patience. Once I lost patience, he reconnected, secretly, with his crazy ex over email.

We broke up and got back together about 20 times...me instigating the breakups, him wanting to work it out, until finally, he didnt' anymore. He disappeared, utterly and totally.

That's it. There's more details but it gets really convoluted (hahahah just like my post here)...ugh

/r/ExNoContact Thread Parent