Feeling Insecure About Husband's BFF/Ex who is now a Lesbian

Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate your words but to be fair, I called myself insecure since that's how I feel. I don't think they crossed any boundaries. I think it's just my own mind running away with me after going to her wedding. Thoughts of "if she didn't realize she was a lesbian this might have been their wedding and they'd be banging tonight and spending the rest of their lives together".. silly and unhelpful thoughts to have, I know.

Their current relationship doesn't bother me so much, normally I'm fine with it. He hasn't done anything untrustworthy and neither has she. They act like old friends but it's still just weird to know your husband was with the person sexually and intimately in the past.. like they saw each other naked and said 'I love you" to each other way back when. I know it was in the past and won't ever happen again, but it still happened. I thought I came to peace with those feelings but this past weekend brought them back out. I think I just need to sort through them and talk it out with my husband once I make more sense of how I feel.

He did tell me a long time ago he would cut off the friendship if it was too hard for me. I would never ask him to do that unless I felt like it was a real problem. I trust him and know it's not an issue. They don't talk that often, just a normal amount as friends would. This is just me feeling things I didn't expect and needing to unpack them.

Thank you again for taking the time to post. I will agree a lot of people do tell OPs (especially women) they are being insecure when they should be suspicious. In this case I am being insecure but I am aware of it (not acting on it) and working through it.

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