Fiddlesticks - The champion who was left behind

S1 Fiddle player, I wouldn't say Fiddle main but every now and then I'll play fiddle.

I feel like Fiddle hasn't been useful since S3. The introduction of spectral wraith elder and golem wasn't a good change for fiddle, just getting the spirit stone felt like it was good enough for him and going into Zhonya's. Anytime he was played in LCS (in terms of junglers) he lost, the times C9 picked him was pretty much the beginning when TSM started to actually slightly dethrone C9. Because Fiddle with spectral just didn't work and meteos at the time when choosing him was almost the sole reason for the two or so losses that happened during the split (think he chose him once in a playoff game too?) against TSM. Support fiddle I don't remember which season that was, S3 and start of S4 for a smidgen? Even then Zyra/Annie were better at the time when he has kinda popular as a support, and leona just shit all over him.

S4 worlds korea soloq using fiddle/rammus a lot was funny cause that's when the nerf train for the 3 second cc started, Rammus was played at that worlds but fids wasn't, yet he was still nerfed alongside Rammus.

S5 rolls by and Tanks is the meta cause cinderhulk, certainly not his meta especially since magus/ap junglers weren't strong cause lol tanks doing more damage than mid laners. Then changing it into runeglaive was just icing on the shit cake for him.

Here we are in S6 and runeglaive is still a thing, an on hit item to give mana back. Did I mention he pretty much got nothing but nerfs since mid S4? Fiddle aside there's a lot of champs they need to rework once Poppy is released, stop being lazy and focusing on more ways to make money with dumb summoner icons or what skins should be next and work on characters like taric shaco WW Fiddle etc.

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