I want to follow men's dating advice but it makes me uncomfortable.

Many women just want sex and you can do that ethically

So I am curious. Is it easy? Because for me it is not. Hence all the research and practice. As for why? I don't know. PRobably 95% is just shyness and social awkwardness on my part. If you do not know what that is like it is hard to describe, but it is not very empowering or liberating.

As for why I want to have sex with as many and varied women possible. I see it this way. My sexual desire is strong and sort of indiscriminate. I do not want to be locked into a relationship and only be beholden to sex with one woman. If I do, she better be AWESOME. But I do not want to do it because, "That is what you do". I want to have options. Therefore my primary focus is making this possible.

I understand that sex with a woman is an experience. Full disclosure. I wish it wasn't. I wish it was not so time consuming and what not. But I will deal with that part of it if need be. And it can be enjoyed. I can enjoy conversations and experiences with women. But I can also enjoy those things with people I do not want to have sex with. Probably easier, since I want to have sex with attractive people, and a lot of people want their time and experience, so they are hard to pin down.

Honestly, I do not know why women dont or cant think this way too. They are busy and need to work. They have life and other obligations. So it is in their best interest to want sex and be on our merry way. Maybe a good portion of them desire this as well. And I support that. I won't shame them. shit I'll encourage it. They are in the same situation as i am in. Unfortunately, they are not so visible or vocal if they exist. Which could just be the case.

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