Fuck the person who came up with this

/u/chem4u deleted while I was replying:

5457 likes? seriously? Ya...I mean...if you murder some one while you are drunk it's still murder. Just like when you are driving drunk and you end up killing some one...well...off to jail with you. So why is this any different? Why don't you say "fuck the person who came up with this" for those matters? What would you prefer? That instead of keeping it in your pants when a sober woman (or man for that matter) rejects you and/or instead of bettering yourself by actually upping your attractiveness until the sober woman (or man) accepts your advances, that you, because of your frail willpower and entitlement complex, and because you have the brain of a child where "me, me, me" is all you think about, yes YOU must go and totally unfairly manipulate the entire situation so that the person you want to have sex with is entirely INCAPACITATED to make proper decisions let alone fight back by alcohol, so you could have your 10 minutes of fame whereas the other person suffers a lifetime of counseling, possible pregnancy, shame and possible STDs? GTFO.

I don't drink, my wife does. When my wife comes back from the bar with her friends, "wants some dick," pushes me down on the bed, takes off my pants, blows me, and then climbs in my lap, am I raping her? I'm sober, but she's drunk so "can't consent."

It's absolutely ludicrous to call it rape under those circumstances. Women can be just as sexually aggressive as men, why is it that men are the only ones that can rape?

It should either be "rape, regardless of gender," or "not rape." If she's too drunk to consent to sex, then so is he, so they are mutually raping each other.

How about you STFU and GTFO with your sexist definition of rape.

/r/pics Thread Link - imgur.com