The game needs to reward more solo play

might have grammar mistakes etc cba to fix them since the point should come across clearly anwyay

A vast majority of us play ranked to climb the ladder and reach Challenger, that reason may be to become a professional league of legends player or just simply be one of the best in dyn/solo q. You think the people who are in that elo got to where they are complaining about bad team mates all the time? Sure they might of done it when they were lower elo but having that mentality isn't going to help you climb so you have to drop it and focus on what you can control which is yourself. It's all how you perceive something and how bad you want it, if you truly want to win your game you will use the knowledge you have to do so, you have to adapt to a playstyle when you're on your own to not trust your team depending on the scenario given, yes this does make the game harder seeing as to begin with this is a TEAM game but as I said you can't control the other 4 players unless you're premade and they're willing to listen to your calls or whatever you want to do at that given moment. I had the same mentality when I was in Bronze and never changed so I stayed there for about 400 games till I changed the way I perceive the game and think about it. Sure I'm far from being a pro player but the fact I went from Bronze to Diamond 1 promos in a span of an entire season is pretty good in comparison to most players journey from one tier to another by the start to the finish of a season. You can complain all you want but if you really want to get your point across to Riot using reddit then I don't think that's going to work so if I were you I'd just cut the shit mentality about rewarding more solo play and just play the game and learn what you did wrong from every death and every mistake that cost you the game, once you understand something you should never forget it, it applies to everything in life. We're all humans, anything we set our mind to is possible, it's just about how bad you want what you want and how far you're willing to go for it, although this example is pretty basic and has almost no relevance to league of legends due to it being completely different have a train of thought of I am thirsty, I could use a glass of water. How do you get rid of your thirst? You walk to wherever you keep your glasses and fill the glass with water and proceed to drink, now apply the same way you thought to league of legends. I want to kill my lane opponent to knock down his tower and have the ability to apply pressure in the map, I'm going to harass him from a safe distance so I do not give up my summoner or a kill due to a jungler gank, ok he is low enough for me to take the small risk of dying and then you proceed to do so and kill, this depends on your knowledge of the matchup and the game as a whole and the way you gain this knowledge in order to do the action you want to perform is by playing the game and understanding what you did right and wrong.

I hope this helps you in any way but it probably won't since people like you are ignorant most of the time.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread