Germans of reddit. What are you taught about WW2 and what do you wish was taught that isn't?

American here.

My education was also light on World History and I was excited when that class finally came around. However, I think what's being conveyed here is not that German students are fatigued by their own country's history, but rather fatigued that the same aspect comes up so often because that's what educators feel they should be cognisant of.

I can identify with this because in my schools it was black slavery. We read dozens of books about the subject, concentrated on it for black history month, concentrated on it during multicultural month, stretched out civil war history longer than other wars (except maybe the founding of our country), and got it here and there the rest of the time.

After the sixth, seventh, eighth novel about slavery in America or America just after slavery, I really started to wonder what other books there were in the world. I began to resent black history because each of those novels felt assigned to us in place of something else we hadn't already explored over and over.

Important subject? Yes. Glad we watched the movie Glory? Absolutely. Mad that I left school never having heard of most of the world's great authors but with a bookshelf full of things that made me resent black history? Very mad. No student should be subjected to so much of a social injustice topic that they become resentful.

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