"It gets better in college!"

Having the same problem. I just moved into college two days ago and have never felt worse in my life. I can't make any friends (difficult to even try in this state) and I'm in a worse social standing than i was in high school. This morning I took a shower, got dressed, and almost became optimistic before I spilled coffee on myself in the dining hall. Small things like that can take a heavy emotional toll when in this state, and whatever scraps of college romanticism I'd rekindled in the morning completely died for the day. I walked all the way into the town, far away from students, and loitered for a few hours before coming back. I guess I was sweaty and looked like shit because these cunt girls walking by said "looks like someone just injected marijuanas" about my appearance. That's when I realized that I'm still in high school with the same exact problems and they're not going to go away for at least four years. I have no privacy anymore, I can't even just sit in the dorm alone without coming off as rude or antisocial to my roommates who I'm supposed to be impressing with conversation. College is not a natural aspect of life, it's an industry with marketing experts selling you a product. This is a third rate resort for kids to get C's and drink four times a week on their parents' tab. I wish I could still smoke weed without getting even more melancholy because I'm fucking bored and disappointed with life. I wonder how much fun my CareerTM will be.

/r/depression Thread