Getting permanently banned from all LDS subs.

My opinions on this subject are never popular here, but I think if they didn’t run a tight ship, it would turn into another exmormon sub just like the Mormon subreddit.

I use to browse it as a faithful member and there were an awful lot of exmormons that would concern concern troll or purposely try to get everyone worked up over certain subjects. Frankly, I don’t really care if they want their little space on the internet to talk with each other without exmormons constantly having to insert themselves in every conversation. I always appreciated the few folks that made it clear they were out of the church, but wanted to contribute to the discussion in a respectful manner. However, most weren’t there in good faith (ha) imo.

I dunno, not sure why this sub obsesses over them all that much. They are outnumbered and know it and want to keep the space from getting hijacked.

/r/exmormon Thread