Getting relationships isn't easy for everyone

It's not that people (men) play video games to get girls, it's that lonely men often indulge (keyword) in them at the as a means of coping with their loneliness or low-self esteem. Video games can be really addicting to such men because they offer reward without any risk, and the progress in the video game gives you a similar sense of accomplishment you'd get for doing something in the real world, only without anything to show for it. It's an artificial experience being used as a substitute for the real thing. Same with porn.

I speak to so many young men that are frustrated they can't attract women, and they all fit a similar profile--they have no skills or much ability to chat about anything at length other than video games. And the commonality in all of them is that they spend multiple hours every day playing video games.

That's the type of person my post was addressing.

any woman that makes you give up your passions to be a wage-slave under the capitalistic definition of “success” won’t end well.

Again, this is a misreading of what was said. It's not that women are making men give up video games, it's that they generally don't find men who spend an inordinate amount of time playing them attractive.

Regardless of your thoughts of how success is viewed in our society, it's undeniable that men who meet that definition of success are more successful in sexual selection than men who do not. Those are the rules. Accept, adapt, and overcome, or complain and wallow in self-pity.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent