Giving your baby a stupid name is child abuse

agree. i was given a normal traditional name( kind of long..4 syllable), And so my mother decided to call me by an obscure, outdated nickname instead. why she picked that one and thought it was a good idea is beyond me and really caused a lot of issues for me. when i was little, i didnt notice it was a problem because kids were too young to know it was a weird name, but then the criticism began and i started to hate even telling anyone my name. when i got to high school, i began going by a very common and totally normal nickname for the real name, but some people from grade school also were at the high school and then people would get confuser and ask me "why are they calling you that?" "why do you have so many names?" "what is your real name? " etc etc, it took YEARS to escape that awful name, but my parents and siblings and a couple of old friends still call me that, out of habit.. like so i totally agree .. just give your kid a NORMAL name, and let that be their name!! because a confusing name, outdated name, too different of a name, one thats hard to pronounce, spell.... ridicule and embarassment is inevitable. and your name shouldnt have to be a source of stress. its how you introduce yourself, its YOU, nobody names their kid "garbage" or "shit" no explanation necessary.. ugh

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