Google India's internship programme is biased towards females

Why do you think there are so few women in STEM education to start with?? The STEM fields are systemically anti-women boys clubs, pushing us away to start with

Women, you're talking like a Karen. My friends & I never pushed away any girls for being in the STEM. People who do that are assholes and don't represent the majority of me. wtf why would anyone do that.

The Google STEP program is like if one hurdle was lowered to match the height of the mens' hurdles.

Thanks for the well put argument I see how its helping women in STEM. But I still think cutting down someone's wings so others can fly higher isn't helping the world. This is a zero-sum game strategy and we live in positive-sum game world. We need to give more women more opportunities in ways that don't hurt anyone else. Fighting sexism with more sexism won't help anyone.

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