Got robbed by a panhandler for my xan script

Then again, /r/drugs isn't exactly a bastion of intelligence. If you pick your friends wisely, things like that are never a problem to begin with. And if someone had me at gunpoint, I know my life is worth more than any amount of currency, be it 30 or 30 million. I migrated to internet sourcing of certain things long ago, mostly RCs. A vendor that I knew back in the early 2000s was shipping from a place that was close to where I lived at the time, I ended up meeting her, and we became good friends. I studied pharmacology and chemistry as well as nutrition, so she was fond of my advice back when she operated. She's retired nowadays, but me and her still do a nice cook-off every now and then. It's mostly just 2-FA, some obscure BZDs, and other stimulants we use these days. I purify everything I indulge in to an obsessive extent. Me and her get to enjoy whatever we put our minds to, but it never falls into the hands of other people. It's just for us, although she isn't the most secretive of folk, I got her to tighten up her OPSEC even though there's no distribution. But why take risks when you have something like that?

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