So Happy It's Thursday!

I posted last week about the guy I was seeing for a month that I wanted exclusivity from even though I knew he was dating other people. Last time we saw each other, he said he had let the other women he was seeing that he found someone he wanted to peruse things further with. All great things right? He went on a relaxation vacation for 5 days, claiming he couldn’t wait to do nothing all day there. I only heard from him once a day as in a short text or two…No pictures or calls (usually we speak sporadically throughout the day with voice memos, pictures, memes etc etc) I’m not really sure how to take that. I didn’t expect to hear from him a lot, but also was hopeful it wouldn’t be almost nothing & my anxiety brain keeps telling me he’s probably there with another woman. He hasn’t done anything to make me think that at all…but I keep going to that situation.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread