Hate crime charges filed against 4 in torture of teen

Yes, that's pretty much the universal source of hate crimes, not something that is mutually exclusive with them..... Exactly my point. I highly doubt this is the last time it will happen. It already happened before during the riots.

Like I said in my comment. I don't deny the fact they could be racist or what they said was racist. As a mather of fact what they said is indeed a 100% racist, but like I said I doubt it's what triggered this crime. If they did this to him because he's white than yes, I agree it's a hate crime; but this was done because he voted for trump. I really believe they would have done this to any race as long as they voted for trump.

There is a video so show what I mean. This kid voted for trump during a school election and his mother treats him in the most vile way.


It's not the same, but I mean the real issue here is that they hate trump voters so much they're willing to torment ANYONE who voted for him. In this case they yelled racist things.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - abc7chicago.com