Hatred of Single Moms and Right Wing Nut Jobs

You’ve got it wrong.

RP men don’t hate single moms. RP doesn’t hate single moms.

It simply states the statistical fact that if you’re a single guy looking to maximise your chances in a relationship, you’re almost always better off avoiding single moms.

Ask any RP guy what he thinks about any single moms they know. I’m sure they’ve all got stories that confirm the data, most of these women are damaged in some way, and every now and then there will be the rare exception (as in your case) of the exceptional single mother thats doesn’t fit the stereotype.

If you want to disregard this wisdom and instead give all single mothers the benefit of the doubt and give it a shot with them, chances are it’s not going to end as well for you as it would have had you not dated a single mom.

By the way, I never was Red Pill, but I am curious to skim as much wisdom from those guys as possible, while disregarding the poison. There’s a lot of both.

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