Why healthcare costs so much: my $20,927.01 itemized bill for a routine, outpatient laparoscopic gallbladder removal (surgeon and anesthesiologist bills were separate). Major over-charging and double billing going on here.

I call BS. Why? Simple antidote during recent uncomplicated vaginal delivery. We did do a little price shopping knowing we had a very mediocre insurance plan. We received three quotes, chose the $4-5k because it was very family friendly and close to home, $3500 would be our dedcutible, any complications beyond the quote would obviously get picked up by insurance and 20% by us. Hospital had all our information and insurance plan, everything was a go. Birth went smooth, if not really quick compared to first child. Within 24 hours I was asked to come settle the bill. 12 grand!! I was excuse me, I only owe the $3500 and 20% but I still didn't understand how a routine birth double in price. They were no sir, you actually owe $7000 + 20%. Jaw dropped. Asked for itemized bill. The second that little human exited the vagina, he created a new deductible, and the hospital starts billing him as a patient. Do you know what the rental fee was for the little portable nursery they used to wheel my son around for less than 24 hours? $1600 per day. I looked up the model in health catalog, the unit cost $1600 brand new. Guess what the charge was for a little 6 minute sponge bath? $800.

long story shorty, I negotiated the bill down a couple thousand dollars after calling out the flagrant overcharges for shit like embroidered towel package and the portable nursery. The insurance did not budge on the double deductible - overall cost me about $8000 when it was all done. I was shocked to say the least, not 3 years ago, our little daughter was born for less than 2k and had some minor complications. Different state, different insurance plan, used a birthing center vs. a hospital. So it oranges vs. apples, but still, hospitals and insurance groups are definitely in bed with each other to make sure they are making a profit. It may be in some super technical manner blah blah... buts it overpriced for what it is.

//sorry, rant over. its only second time I ever typed out that insurance disaster and makes my blood boil. Still paying down the credit card to cover the unexpected 2nd deductible.

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