How can anyone with a modicum of intelligence support Donald Trump?

completely idiotic and crazy things trump's said, done, and proposed:

-banning all Muslims from entering the U.S. -being at the heart of the birther movement, disputing obama's birth certificate, and publicly doubting Obama was born in the U.S. -implementing 45% tariff on Chinese goods -stopping people from sending money to relatives in china -called anthropogenic climate change a hoax created by the Chinese -linked vaccines to an autism epidemic, saying he's actually seen vaccines directly causing autism -said he saw thousands of american muslims celebrating 9/11 -said john mccain's not a war hero for getting captured -said he'll open up libel laws b/c of petty insults against him -said he'll swiftly deport 11 undocumented immigrants, praising Operation Wetback as a model -said that the "real" unemployment rate is 42% -said that the unemployment rate is 23% -alleging that Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael, worked with Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin of President John F. Kennedy -citing the Lee Harvey Oswald claim from an article in the National Enquirer -vowing to kill the innocent children of suspected terrorists -suggesting that Obama is a Muslim back in 2011 -saying he has proof that mexico is sending criminals and rapists to the U.S., but refusing to elaborate -vowing to seize Syria's oil fields and refineries, which help keep ISIS afloat, and then sell the oil to pay for a U.S. military campaign. However, if the U.S. actually stole the oil, it would only net about $500 million, at most. A year long excursion in Syria of 20,000-30,000 U.S. troops (which trump has called for) would realistically cost around $25 billion -refused to initially disavow KKK endorsements, David Duke, and other white nationalists/supremacists backing him

if anyone seriously supports trump given the above, more than anything, they're unbelievably ignorant and should be ashamed of their blatant, lazy disregard of the facts and inability to reason or think logically when it comes to politics and policy

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