How can I exit if girls don't even give me a chance?

Apparently every "Nice guy" is really coming with bad intentions. That's the biggest lie , Although i don't doubt you can find guys that fit what you said , There are too many good guys out there who are rejected for that , Sometimes people even tell them for "Being too nice" and of course for being physically unattractive ( Most important part). Those are his problems , He's nice and girls have proved they like personality traits from what many would consider Bad boys , jerks or douchebags. Why? Because those guys are more exciting , confident and care very little about them , Even treating them poorly at times. Of course the fact that's physically unattractive is his biggest problem cause looks are much more important than personality. OP isn't going to get any girls , He lacks the right genetics and girls won't take him seriously because he's nice

/r/IncelExit Thread Parent