How the Developers of 'Haven' Tried to Make Video Game Sex Seem Normal

I do think they picked the worst examples in an attempt to prove the game sort of crossed a threshold other games are afraid to cross.

The dialogue was definitely a little cringe at times. It seemed obvious that they wanted to paint some picture that having and talking sex isn't all glamorous like in the movies. It was an attempt at trying to be more mature about sex and make a statement, it just doesn't end up working and sounds immature instead. I can sort of respect what they were trying to do but there was just no way to make those conversations organic enough where it doesn't sound awful. Especially when you just are exposed to random bits of it in an article.

That second example was purposeful in trying to sound like bad erotica though. If I recalled correctly, it was the two characters making up a story that progressively went more and more off the rails until it sounded like bad fan fiction.

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