How do you feel about the phrase not all men?

Everyone knows that not all men do the abhorrent things that happen under #yesallwomen.

Theoretically. Except some people took those things to a new level and used it as a way to reverse the status quo and try to make men feel as demeaned as they did. I have feminists friends so I know about the stats of sexual abuse and such. I wish I could prevent it, but I can't alone. But there seems to be a blatant distrust among women of men. Which bothers men, hence not all men. As I stated, like above, it made me feel generalized and like a rabid animal waiting to pounce. yes men have done it to women. yes. Suck it up. Sucks doesn't it? Yes. I get it. I'm sorry for what men before me have done. But what does that movement accomplish if it does not create a dialogue? I'm seeing a consensus here that not all men is the same and not a useful response to such. How would you create a dialogue about such things while trying to create a trust between men and women?

To your second statement. I think catcalling depends on your definition. I was accused of catcalling twice recently. One was me calling out to what I thought was my friend, and it wasn't. Second one, was me attempting to get a girl's attention who was a distance away from me. She was cute and I had never seen her before. So I wanted to get to know her.

Option 1: Let the opportunity slip away.

Option 2: Run after her and then try to start a conversation.

Option 3: Walk briskly and then try to start a conversation.

Option 4: Call out to her.

I chose option 4. Which worked out for me. I got her number. My feminist friend scolded me for calling out to her though because according to her, I was catcalling and being sexist. I didn't think calling out excuse me. Excuse me Miss, can I walk and talk to you for a second was offensive. Yet my friend saw it as such. Which makes me feel like women are unapproachable outside of workplace/school/home/friend's home. If these assholes you speak of, are the type who are shouting aye girl let me get your number. Fuck you you ugly anyways. Aye can I get between those legs and such. I get it. Those guys are disgusting I agree. I feel like we need to define catcalling universally and also make sure people know what it means.

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