How to get over my obsessions?

In situations like the private school, where peer groups form, and there is competion and rivalry - the desire to dominate a group of peers, along with the desire to merely survive and blend into a group - shit goes down like happened to you. Any little difference - any feature that is slightly out, is used and mercilessly exploited to make one person seem like a big shot.

The guy that started calling you 'lops' probably has a very small penis, or some other feature that makes them feel small and worthless. So they find someone - anyone, that they can humiliate to make themselves feel big.

You should have taken the nickname 'lops' and run with it. Been proud of it. Not taking it fucking seriously, and gotten all hung up over it.

You just seem like a normal dude to me. Instead of worrying about your looks, which you don't have much control over anyway, worry about things that are under your control.

If you continue to give a shit about things you can't control, like your looks, you're going to be fucking miserable for a long time. Then when you're late middle aged, and your looks have truly gone to shit, (alone with everyone else your age), you'lll suddenly accept it doesn't matter one bit, and you'll get on with your life and maybe start to enjoy things more. Why not come to that fucking realisation right now?

Take pleasure in other people - not your own reflection. Have your focus on others - not self. Your friends, and most importantly - the women - don't see you the way that you see yourself. Imagine how nice it would be to just enjoy the company of others without worrying about presenting your best angle and all that shit.

Don't give a shit friend, and then you can relax and enjoy others. Even the most attractive person will age and be surpassed in beauty by some other youthful person. Let go. Let it the fuck lose.

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