If TRP and Braincels Get Banned, Does that Mean Purple is the New Red / Black? How A Positive Identity for Good Men Could be the Answer.

What I'm saying is that overthinkers are more likely to be too literal in their interpretation.

Ok. In that case, people like you may need to hear the detailed version in advance rather than be told "man up" on the spot. But that doesn't mean the philosophy behind it is wrong. It just needs different presentation.

Or just in general, giving unsolicited advice to guys who you don't know anything about.

That doesn't mean all unsolicited advice is lumping you in with neckbeards and incels, just because you don't like it.

All the RP guys commenting on my threads saying

Because it worked for most of them. SRUGMs don't give enough context for their own personal situation, so it's unclear what the problem is and what would work without more detail.

SRUGMs may be attractive and virtuous, but that's only part of the story. Everyone has both strengths and weaknesses. What are the flaws for SRUGMs? They're not the same ones incels and neckbeards have, but there are still flaws. What are they? Your philosophy avoids addressing them, and without that, beneficial advice can't develop.

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