I'm 15 and I'm glad I never got fully invested into the red pill

I was always a person seeking truth. The love for it started after finding out santa doesn't exist and feeling betrayed by adults, then questioning the catholicism, then other religions, then ended up as a nihilistic atheist diving in many philosophies. It also made me feel disgusted by illusions. A lot of those things are some real red pill stuff about humanity, it's capacity for evil by both genders, add also psychology and behavioral evolution.

Plato, Kant, Confucius, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Dostoyevsky, Zapffe, Spinoza, Camus, Heidegger and many others.

The current red pill machismo is toxic to many men. There are couple good general advices for every man but they're also great for women like not letting others walk over you, dictate how you're supposed to live etc. A lot of it is lined up with philosophies, freedom and individualism. There's so many people coming from fucked up households, dysfunctional families, raised by narcissists, with addictions etc. Problem is when they start to tell you to do all those other things instead of letting you go and do things on your own, play games, holding frames lol, faking this other person you're not etc give in machismo culture, consumerism, sociopathy etc. I'd totally hate myself for being in a relationship pretending other person I'm not. A woman either accepts me or not. My life doesn't revolve around only women.

Men and women can be programmed. Men and women get lost in their ways. Both can be sheeple.

The most important thing is to determine how YOU want to live your life. You will face death one day and you don't want to regret too much.

You're still young, you're only 15. Wait until you start making money, become independent, go through MANY struggles, deal with all kinds of men and women, hear and see many stories, experience relationships etc. Many things can change for better or worse.

/r/exredpill Thread