I'm cursed

I've been sitting here crying in frustration with the world for exactly the same reasons you have outlined. It seems we are turning into a world of assholes, killing each other over who's god is better, what sexuality is right, how we should live. Wasting our potential to reach the stars over greed, bigotry and theology.

My life was no picnic either, Ive been raped more than once in my life. I was falsely accused and incarcerated, I turned to drugs and numbed myself for 10 years. I blew away the one career i wanted most because i couldn't take the world crushing in around me an turned to pharmaceuticals to make it all go away.

I don't know your full story as much as you don't know mine, however i feel your hurt. I'm crushed by what has happened today, again. the hate of the world bubbling up to take people away before their time, leaving broken lives behind. I think of all the children who have lost parents today, mothers and fathers who have lost sons and daughters and it makes me cry.

I tend to agree that straight people are hurtful. Most of them have never have had their mettle tested by life or had their humanity stripped away, to be left naked to the judgement of others.

The most real, honest, loving friends i have, the ones that have gone out of their way to pull me up and cover my nakedness and bind my emotional wounds are few exception are gay. 20's is a hard age. looking back harder than any other decade in my life. but things do get better, peer groups become more mature, less judgmental. Be yourself, follow your heart, always be that person to help others no mater the cost. don't let life suffocate you and you will some day be able to look on this as a road you needed to follow to test your mettle.

P.S. I like you, I think its pretty cool that you realize some of the things about the world it took me much longer to catch on to.

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