I'm Theresa and I went to jail twice for crimes that I didn't do, AMA.

First arrest: kicking a hole in the wall, denting my father in law's car and assaulting my mother in law.

these charges weren't taken to trial.

Second arrest: assaulting my mother in law (this time she has bruises and bleeding cuts on her face and arm), assaulting my brother in law (he had a broken necklace as proof), multiple basketball-sized holes in the wall. bail restrictions included staying off of there property which they said i failed to comply... i wasn't there at all.

Third arrest: Police said they received a criminal harassment complaint from my mother in law and they wanna take me in for questioning and for possibly breaching my bail again, but the detective let me go. (About 3 years later, I meet this same detective who took me in and he told me my mother in law hates his guts for letting me go)

My lawyer pointed out that my mother in law had an underlying motive. For one, she was nowhere to be seen during my first bail hearing. On the second bail hearing, she went there and asked the prosecutor to have my husband's name included in the list of people I can't communicate with. (On the first arrest, my mother in law's sister posted my bail. I stayed in her house and my husband and I slept on the same bed. She was of course unhappy when she got this news.)

Debris. If I just kicked the holes in the wall, why did it look so clean? When did they have the time to clean it up before showing it to the police?

Contradicting statements. My mother in law testified on the witness stand for 2 days. My lawyer and the crown repeatedly asked the breakdown of what happened and each time, she gave out a different story. She said she saw me yielding a knife but couldn't describe if it was big or small although she said I was right in front of her. On some occasions, she said she was in the basement when I got on their property, on another she said she was in the foyer, and then on another she was in the living room watching me from the window. This was all replayed to her to remind her of what she said. They also played her year-old video and written testimony to show the court the inconsistencies of the statement.

/r/IAmA Thread Parent