Intro + Questions about Injections

I have trypanophobia (fear of needles) and let me just say, it fucking sucks in infertility. As my husband said after my blood draw today, "it's like, okay, you know that thing that you hate more than anything else in the world, let's do that 20 times!". I am fortunate that my husband gives me my shots. My goal was to be able to give myself one but unless we end up doing multiple IVFs, it probably won't happen. If he weren't able to give me the shots, I would have a friend do it. I have one diabetic friend and an EMT friend. I've also heard some pharmacies might do it. Right now, the phobia combined with a vasovagel response makes it almost impossible for me to do it myself.

You can see a mental health therapist who works with phobias and he/she will do exposure therapy, which is a slow and controlled exposure to your fear. It might start with a syringe with no needle in the room, then the syringe with needle in the room but across the room, then maybe it is beside you, then maybe you hold it, etc.

Personally, I've learned that getting tipsy makes it worse. It seems to reduce my natural abilities to deal with the fear and I get more scared. I reward myself with a glass of wine after the shot! Rewards in general are pretty effective for me. Today after my blood draw I got chocolate cake as a reward. Other rewards could be watching the next episode of your favorite TV series or giving yourself 'points' to cash in for a massage or some retail therapy or something. It helps to have something to look forward to.

Mostly, be kind and gentle with yourself. You are amazing. This is a phobia for you and you are facing it! That's amazing! You are truly a warrior. Don't allow yourself to call yourself names or diminish the amazingness of what you are doing. This is hard shit! Celebrate your amazingness.

/r/infertility Thread