Israel, a country possessing 300 nuclear weapons and a record of belligerance second to none maintains that Iran, a country that's attacked no one since 1798, has no right to any!

Actually if you at the Iranian people, they embrace western culture more than any other in the region. Hard to believe, but our media will not show us that.

If you know the story about the shaw, it was us(CIA) wronging them. Not the other way around.

An agent from here was sent there with a couple million to see what he could do to fix the "problem" of Iran wanting market price for thier oil. The democratically elected officials, would not give in to selling thier oil on the cheap, couldn't be bribed, wanted to use the money for the Iranian people.

It would be like Canada wanting to buy Fords for $100 instead of $1000, Ford says no, they send in a person that tells the workers Ford is no good, he eats babies, is ripping you off, and the workers get rid of them. Canada installs the "shaw" who is funded by them, and says Fords $100? To much, how does $50 sound? The money is taken from Ford to Canada instead of the for the Ford factory.

Would you be a little pist? Iran was. Rightfully so.

I agree with Americans need to step the fuck up and put our government in check. Two problems though, our government is paid for by the ones who want Irans oil. And American Idol is on.

You wont see it unless you look, but actually the Iranian culture and people want to embrace ours, the problem is the Iranian government has issues with ours, rightfully so. And discourages it, but the people keep moving that way anyway.

They are just like us, they have families, love thier kids, and want war no more than you or me. Like all people of the world, we look different, talk different, some smell different, belive different religions. But we are all humans, all the same as far as wanting to live in peace and happiness. Only an ignorant person would believe otherwise. its not entirely their fault, that is what they are shown on tv and led to believe. No one feels good about hurting another person except the true psyco path, and that trait is not exclusive to a country or religion. Psyco is psyco, that is what the ones pulling the strings are.

One crazy person can take over a full bus. That is what the big evil is. One crazy person taking over a bus. Having us hate and fight one another and forget the crazy is the real enemy.

The olny one who want war, are the ones making trillions off it. We dont see a dime. We pay the people making trillions, because our government borrow from them to fund the war. They are the only winners of every war fought. The ones that fight it are the losers.

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