Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday night that Israel's answer to terrorist attacks aimed at its citizens should be to continue construction in Jerusalem.

Israel has tried to give them rights. Olmert basically offered Abbas everything he claimed he wanted except for unlimited right of return. And Abbas walked away from it.

Abbas did not walk away from it. You are referencing one draft during the negotiations. You can't cite the rejection of one draft as evidence that Abbas walked away. Negotiations were ongoing, both sides were very close to a deal and were working through the final details when Olmert was taken down by a domestic scandal and was replaced by Netanyahu who shut down negotiations. Negotiators said later that they were roughly 2 weeks away from a deal. Note that Abbas in 2012 agreed to comprehensive version of roughly the same deal as was proposed by Olmert with Peres, and again, Netanyahu shot it down.

No nation would ever behave differently and every deal Israel has tried to make with the palestinians has led to more violence.

Total, complete, utter, unadulterated bullshit. Any other civilized nation would not be occupying another nation for generations. Any nation that did do that experienced terrorism. France had their cafes blown up by Algerian terrorists. At first they tried to torture and kill the population to try to end the terrorism. It failed. Then they tried not occupying Algeria anymore. It succeeded. The same happened with the UK and Ireland. Irish terrorists were bowing up British pubs and translations. Britain tried treating the Irish as second class citizens. It failed. They compromised and worked through the problems of the status of Irish civilians. It succeeded. Its the same everywhere. Oppressing people and depriving them of rights never works in ending terrorism. It only increases it. Thats why Hamas exists. It would never have existed if israel had agreed to one of the multiple internationally celebrated proposals for a two state solution.

What should they do more than offering them the west bank and gaza like they have numerous times before? They are the ones rejecting the offers of sovereignty that would allow them to control their own human rights and it is exactly because they want to continue the conflict with Israel because somewhere in the back of their heads they think they will eventually kill all the Jews.

You are such a fucking moron if you actually believe this. No, Abbas already fucking agreed to a two state solution multiple times. If Israel had agreed to it then the conflict would be over. They do not want to kill all the Jews. This so so freaking simple. The fact that you are standing against the opinions of every government in the world other than Israel and Iran should signal something to you.

Do you think things will be any different if the west bank is turned into a similar sovereign entity? The only difference will be Israel fighting wars on two fronts instead of one. Tell me what the solution is that doesn't end with another bigger badder gaza situation. I agree it is a bad situation but I don't see any solution that any country would find acceptable to their long term security, especially when history has shown this to be the case.

We have two entities. Hamas and the PA. One endorses the destruction of Israel. One endorses peace and a two state solution. You look at this and want to punish the PA for some idiotic reason. No, the West Bank would not engage in violence against Israel if it agreed to a permanent peace deal with it. There is no reason for you to disagree with this. The examples of Egypt and Jordan clearly show that bilateral peace works. Unilateral moves do not work, as is evidenced by Gaza/Hamas.

Jerusalem was annexed. The arabs living there were all offered citizenship. Some took it, many did not. The truth is, Israel should deport those who didn't take it. It is a 100% legal annexation.

You must be a religious fanatic. There is no other explanation for this absurd opinion. Every nation ON PLANET EARTH other than Israel and Iran unanimously agree that the Jewish state of Israel should not control Arab East Jerusalem. Its freaking insane that you think otherwise. If Israel wants to become a non-ethnic secular state, or a bi-national Jewish-Arab state then thats a different story, but if it wants to be a Jewish state then it cannot annex Arab territory. I am speechless that you can type these sentences without feeling absolutely awful about yourself.

The Six Day War started between Israel and Egypt. Israel begged Jordan not to join Egypt but they did under the false belief that Egypt was winning on their front. The "palestinians" in the west bank are the Jordanians who were abandoned by Jordan when they were sent running back to Jordan with their tails between their legs. It is a pretty childish claim that Israel started the war because they launched the first attack. Egypt was massing on the border, preparing to invade Israel. They expelled the UN observes who were there to stand in the way of an invasion. Egypt was going to attack, Israel just got the jump on them. And only people who are willfully ignorant of this deny that the war was started by Egypt.

This is the view of a person who hasn't read anything about the topic. Egypt was not preparing to invade Israel. Thats what Israel thought at the time but any historian today knows that that is not the case. The USSR was feeding satellite intelligence to Egypt about Israeli troop movements. The USSR erroneously told Nasser that Israel was massing troops on the border. Nasser then moved his soldiers to the border to match Israel. Israel did not know the reasoning behind the troop movements and made the decision to make a first strike.

I am not saying that Israel is solely to blame for the war, but I am saying that its completely ridiculous to say that this was a war to wipe out the Jewish people. It was not. It wasn't even an aggressive war on the Arab side.

And the 'palestinians' are not the ones 'left behind'. They are just the people who lived in the west bank and continued to live in the west bank after Israel took over. Your continued attempts at dehumanizing them is not scoring you any points.

I didn't say they deserve to have their rights deprived. I said they should go to Jordan since from 1948 they were jordanian citizens. Why is jordan allowed to abandon it's people after losing territory in a fight they started? They should have evacuated their people 48 years ago. If anything Israel should deport them to jordan and let them deal with the problem they made by attacking Israel and abandoning their citizens. Let jordan give them rights.

This is just unbelievable. There is literally no mainstream politician in Israel as fascist and fanatical as you. I am completely serious when I say that Netanyahu would be disgusted by your views.

But the facts are they tried to take citizenship away from their citizens to make it seem like they were all stateless when really they could live in Jordan as citizens.

Decades ago when they thought that Israel would repatriate the Arab Israeli refugees that they displaced they did this. Since then Jordan has given them all citizenship.

So why isn't Jordan obligated to take care of this problem? They were all Jordanians until Jordan decided they didn't want to deal with it anymore.

If Israel would be willing to give over the West Bank and East Jerusalem to Jordan then sure. if not then they should make them independent. Or they can annex the territory themselves. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that they choose one of these three options. The status quo is not an acceptable option. The only reason why Jordan being responsible is not a realistic option is because Israel would not agree to give Jordan the Palestinian territories. They would prefer to have smaller divided states on their border. Thats why a Palestinian state is more realistic than a large Jordanian state.

Are really that naive? The basic source of the conflict is that muslims do not want Jews living in Israel. That is it. It has nothing to do with human rights. They are themselves a greater denier of rights than Israel has ever been. It is about religious hate, keeping Jews off the temple mount, because as they teach their children, Jews are the offspring of pigs and the devil. You think that is about human rights? You are either childishly naive or intentionally misleading because you agree with their agenda of eradicating the Jewish presence there.

You are a fucking lunatic. The PA has the same exact position as the entire international community and has recognized the state of Israel. I do not now how you can be a functional human being and not be willing to accept basic facts about the world such as this.

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