Just got ghosted in the worst way and I feel like my brain is melting

Pretty much the same thing happened to me. Met up for drinks with this gorgeous girl who I met on tinder. We immediately hit it off and after a few beers, she told me she didn't want the night to end, so we hopped to another bar and kissed at the end of the night. Next day she texted me "you're amazing! Let's hang out again soon." We go out twice more and had the best time, not to mention can't keep our hands off each other. At the end of the third date, she invited me back to her place for sexy time and we spent the entire next day together just lounging around and snuggling. She seemed so into it and couldn't stop complimenting me, but after leaving her place that day- she ghosted the shit out of me. I texted her a few times and never got any response. Fuck. Did I do something wrong? Was this all in my head the whole time? Was the sex bad?

A week later, I got a text from her apologizing & saying her and her ex met up for drinks a few days after we hung out and it freaked her out (which is why she ghosted out) but come on, don't leave a girl hanging like that. Such a tease.

Be up front, y'all. Ghosting isn't cool.

/r/actuallesbians Thread