Ladies making over $100k per year, what do you do?

I'm a CIO. #bosslady

Early School: I joined computer club when I was 12. Mom worked at the school (as a janitor) so we got their hand-me-down outdated computers when they were being thrown out for cheap. I started working at 14 in food service. From 14 - 16 I also ran a little monthly concert for my young teenage friends and I learned a lot of Excel/Word/etc in a professional context while putting those together. I graduated high school a year early and started college at 16. They let me out early as they knew I was in a severely abusive home and I asked to graduate early. Thought I might end up dead otherwise TBH. All in the past now. Took a couple correspondence classes to qualify for early graduation.

Uni: As I was then a freshman in college, no one ever asked me my age (its also illegal) when looking for admin jobs. I had a scholarship but I had to work to pay rent, etc. I was an admin for a while and they noticed that I was WICKED good at Excel. WICKED GOOD. So, I went out on a limb and applied for a job ad that basically said "Good at Excel? Work here. $25/hr." The pay was a total lie. I made $11.50/hr while they billed me out at $165/hr. The company was scummy, the boss was a hot mess but I learned FileMaker there. I am still a FileMaker developer but now I work in lots and lots of different coding languages as well. I dropped out of university because when I was 19 and a junior, I got an offer at a FileMaker consulting firm for $85,000/year. Never looked back. Became a certified CCBA then CBAP a while ago. I'm a CIO now at a small/medium sized company. 200 employees and counting. I'm 30 now. I've been earning over $100k for like 5 years. I also took 3 years "off" (I have a small side business selling some software I wrote and that runs whether or not I am actively working) to travel the world.

On having lady parts: I am tech at a non-tech company. I face an INSANE amount of sexual harassment whenever I'm tech at a tech company. It literally makes me suicidal so I don't do it. I'd love to live in a world where I could work in tech but this isn't that world. Don't even start with asking me to "pave the way." My existence in an extremely sexist world doesn't make it less sexist. Me asking them to stop doesn't work. Just makes my life hell. Oh well I guess. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.

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