Leo moon help - coping with the shadow side - any other Leo moons here have advice?

Even Leo suns feel this way. I am one and I struggle so hard with feelings of inadequacy and feeling like if something isnt exactly right, I'll just destroy it and start over. This approach of wanting to to show the world only the best and most perfect side can lead to depression obviously because well, who has time to be perfect 24/7?

Obviously this causes a lot of problems in life.

My way of combating this is to try and be as present as I can and to remind myself that true perfection is unobtainable and that the more I try to hold myself to a standard I'm not, the more my relationships and life will suffer. It's because of the mask that Leo has where we feel we have to be the biggest and the best because that's the sun. I just try and be compassionate with myself and not start the self beating talk. And stopping and asking myself why I feel the need to do things perfectly or not at all before I begin and questioning the feelings that arise. Easier said than done but what else can you do?

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