Listening to some girls talk terribly about my favorite books. How do you respond when someone hates something you love?

Hmm from your post sounds unfortunately just sounds like people being jerks, do you know these girls? Whats the context? In my experience there are often two ways this sort of thing goes.

1) If its someone you know/like etc/generally cool stranger ask them why, not liking something you like is fine and it can be cool to see others reasoning about it and see a different perspective.

2) If someone is just spouting off and don't have a reason or even some form of logic well they might just be a bastard! Once waiting to get takeaway with my friend, who had really long hair for a guy at the time. Two girls start a conversation of "urggh I hate long hair on guys blah blah" these are just silly people not worth your time, don't reply or reply with "how rude!" adjust your monocle and carry on your business, world keeps a turning!

Although I will concede this can be hard if its something your passionate about.

Ignorance often plays a part, people often say blanket statements to things they have little experience in. E.g. I make electronic music for fun loads of people have huge misconceptions about it like "Oh you just push a button right" If I think someones worth the time I will get into a discussion about it.

And we are all guilty of this too, in my country people are crazy about football. Not my thing but when I say I don't watch it people look at me like I've said I like to drown kittens instead. They take it to mean I dislike it, even that I hate it and can take it as an afront,but how could I hate something I have no investment in? I will explain I'm indifferent towards it, its like asking how do you feel about Bavarian Folk music!

Kind of went off topic here, evaluate is it worth getting into it in these sorts of events and at the end of the day, don't worry just do your thing! =D

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