LPT: After you graduate high school, you probably have about 20-30 years of ever visiting with your parents again. And most of those will be short visits, meaning that you probably have less than a year left of time together, cumulatively. If you have a good relationship, cherish that time together.

I had just gotten out of debt for this first time and finally had a stable well paying job after years of struggling.

She had my brother helping support her and alimony from my dad equaling about $4K a month, more than enough for rent and necessities. She lived until 81 years old and was fine. We didn't talk for many years after I didn't give her money, she was done with me at that point for good. But of course, when i was on my own and asked one time for some help she said "you made your bed, you can lie in it!" it was really quite ruthless.

She should have been nicer to me, I ended up doing extremely well financially and would have helped her if she had been supportive of me when I was really struggling.

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