LPT: How do I deal with people who constantly virtue signal?

I think I am making a good decision by removing my post from this subreddit. I am not getting this much fallout for posting what I think: which is freedom of speech.

It bothers me because shaming isn't a great way for people to get what others want them to do. I understand that the people who are gathering in the thousands and not wearing masks are being selfish. I don't agree with them. I agree that people should wear masks in all public settings. Nonetheless, I don't like how social media has become the place where there can be no discussion, where everything is catastrophized (the idea that everyone who gets the coronavirus will end up on a ventalor is not true), and a place that is kinda toxic. My solution: I'm not going on social media. I'll have these conversations in person.

Am I being privileged by shielding myself from social media? Perhaps. But this is making me upset, and who needs more stress now. We are all in a pandemic!

/r/LifeProTips Thread Parent