LPT: if you feel uncomfortable in social situations - memorize about 10 questions which most people would be happy to answer. If youre nervous rely on your basket of questions to get people taking about themselves.

To tell you the truth I just straight out ask “what do you do for fun?” Most people will answer pretty quickly with one of their hobbies. Then you can ask more about it : how long have you been doing that ? What inspired you to get into that ? What are you working on now? Don’t grill them but just be genuinely interested. Offer some of your knowledge about their hobby but in an inquisitive way - I read about that or saw that .. that cool. (Give genuine praise). Then say something about yourself even if it’s loosely related. Eg yea I started to learn about that - I’m into xyz and I really like it because ...

Show a hint of passion when you talk about your hobby and they will often ask you questions back. People respond very well to passion.

This is difficult to map out in a reddit post ... however, if someone has social anxiety then plan out (imagine- mentally role play) your next social engagement. Try these new questions on extended family members and acquaintances first. Get good at being interested in people and find a flicker of desire to want to know them better. Put fear aside ... assume that most people have fear about what others think of them too. They are often in the same boat as you.... even if they are gregarious they often have anxiety and fears about other things. Everyone wants to be liked and admired for their accomplishments. Give them some and it will come back to you. Reciprocity. (Look up on YouTube the Science of Persuasion ... it’s about 11 mins long)

Once we can realize that we are walking emotional shitsacks ... and that most of us are pretty weak at managing emotions. it brings the playing field down to something more manageable. Even the most successful people still have baggage and blind spots.

Also the phrase “Fake it till you make it.” Has a lot of truth

People only know what you show them on the outside. Show them who you want to be (for example a more confident version of you) and slowly you will become that person. Start with super small steps and build from there.

Sorry for my rant. Your question was simple and I just went to town with my answer .. hah ✌️

/r/LifeProTips Thread Parent