LPT [Society ProTip]: If you have a child that is attractive or popular, encourage them to stand up to bullies even if they are not the one being bullied.

My small cousin has seisures and kids bullied her throughout every grade until she snapped and got in a fist fight with a boy bully and got suspended. She said the kid never talked to her again and everyone was decent to her after that. But as she was recollecting she said, "they all hated me." She's 22 and still thinks an entire school of people hated her. Bullying fucks you up, do whatever you can to incentivize your kid to stop others from bullying by giving examples of what to do. Real examples. Also I heard some black kids say they are always nice to the white kid in class cause when he snaps n brings a gun to school maybe he'll remember. Sounds pretty silly n kinda racist, but i mean, sorta smart. It really made me rethink.

/r/LifeProTips Thread