LPT. Start the meeting on time.

Yeah, this was my first reaction. I work as a cyber security consultant where we are typically having "rules of engagement" meetings about how I'm going to hack into the client. There are typically a lot of stakeholders from the client on and some of them, depending on their role, will go in with adversarial attitudes or will otherwise attempt to hinder my work (because the better job I do, the worse they could look or the more work they might have coming down the pipe). No way am I getting a meeting started without my primary PoC (named on the Sow) on the call unless it's a pre-arranged follow-up or something.

My field of work may be an extreme case, but anyone who does consulting work of any kind should take heed. You should also take excellent minutes of meetings and follow up with emails or other writing to CYA. Lot's of good people doing good work with good intentions have been crucified for not documenting communications. /rant

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