McConnnell blocks resolution to release full Mueller report

I’m from the UK and I don’t really see the fuss here. Ok, it would obviously be more transparent to release the full document (at least everything that can be legally released).

However, people that are calling corruption etc. Are you seriously suggesting that Robert Mueller is complicit in this corruption? If so the corruption bias is unbelievable, as all of you were cheering him as the saviour of American democracy and rule of law just 3 days ago.

Surely if Barr has misled the public to a large degree through his redactions, mueller would speak up? He has not, ergo I think it’s high time to accept that they genuinely did not find collusion.

This does not mean that you can’t be vocal and demand a new president ASAP, as clearly your current one is a moron, but you know, maybe check if it’s actually truth you’re after, or if just like the other side you just care about “winning”.

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