Men of Reddit, what are your experiences dating people who are both wildly attractive and highly intelligent?

Its very hard on this thread to see what wildly attractive and smart is because for the sake of your post you can be an idiot and know how to invest in a growing company. And most people have opinions on everything so saying she can have a conversation about anything doesn't mean much.

In my mind wildly attractive is having a girl that looks like this with a wild intelligence saying: Imagine that we have a machine equipped to process a complete account of the state of the universe at some past point, in accordance with an algorithm crafted with a complete understanding of physics, in order to provide a complete account of the state of the universe at some future point that we will call t2. For the purposes of the thought experiment, we will assume that nothing in the universe is fundamentally random, and everything that will happen is the sole possible consequence of what has happened, in accordance with the physics our machine has been built with an understanding of.The question is: can our machine work, and if not, why not?

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